Entries by koehler.jillian@gmail.com

Love can feel like risky business…

Love can feel like risky business…will we lose ourselves in the process? Open ourselves up to depend on another only to be rejected or abandoned? What would that say about us if it happened, that we are not worthy or not good enough? No wonder we want to protect ourselves! Rumi makes a very wise […]

What is Your Attachment Style?

Though surely to avoid attachments for fear of loss is to avoid life -Lionel Shriver On way to start exploring barriers is to look at your attachment style. In a nutshell attachment style is how you relate to another person. We develop our first experience of attachment with our primary caregiver(s). There are thought to be […]

What are your Expectations?

It’s good to set our expectations high isn’t it? There are all sorts of quotes telling us to do just that: By asking for the impossible we obtain the best possible. -Giovanni Niccolini  High expectations are the key to everything. -Sam Walton And yet Shakespeare said: Expectation is the root of all heartache. So… Having high expectations […]

Healthy Conflict = Healthy Relationships

Client: hello, my partner and I are interested in couples counselling Me: I’m glad you guys are looking for some support – that takes courage. What’s led you to seek counselling? Client: hmmmm it’s hard to put into words….ummmm….I guess communication…. Communication difficulties are cited by 90% of people who contact me for couples counselling. Couples know that […]

Communication Going Sideways? – Take Two!

Do you ever wish you could rewind a conversation and say something differently to get a better outcome? Changing communication patterns can be quite difficult since our nervous systems can become so primed to react and move into a state of defensiveness based on our reactions to what we hear our partner saying. In order […]